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Adult mental health and addiction services relocating to the Train Station

October 17, 2024


LETHBRIDGE – Recovery Alberta teams and programs currently operating out of the Lethbridge Provincial Building will permanently relocate to the Lethbridge Train Station on Oct. 21.

The last day of appointments at the Lethbridge Provincial Building will be Friday, Oct. 18. Recovery Alberta will be offering partial clinic-based services at the Lethbridge Train Station beginning Oct. 21 and return to full capacity on Oct. 22. Outreach appointments in the community will not be impacted and will continue as usual.

Recovery Alberta teams are following up with clients and community service partners to ensure they are aware of appointments booked at the new location. Clients can contact the main office at 403-381-5260 to answer any questions.

Staff have been preparing for this move for several months and look forward to welcoming clients to this new space.

Recovery Alberta programs at the site will include adult community services, seniors’ addiction and mental health outreach, brief community and specialized services, family violence treatment program, intensive outreach and mental health diversion.

Lethbridge Train Station is located at 801 1 Ave. S. Anyone with non-urgent questions about access to mental health and addiction services or programming is encouraged to call 1-888-594-0211 or visit